Tartalo or the gentil of Muski

On this particular occasion a Gentile who lived in the cave of Muski caught a Christian. And in order for him not to escape from the cave he placed a magic ring on one of his fingers , which shouted  “I am here, I am here”.

One day the Christian hid among the sheepskin accumulated by the gentile. As the gentile heard the ring´s cry quite far away, he thought it came from afar and opened the door leaving the cave. Then, the Christian came out from under the skins, started to run and got as far away from there as his legs would carry him.

But the Gentile heard the ring´s cry and ran after him. In view of the situation the Christian surrendered but decided that the ring finger could be cut off and thrown into the Mekolalde River; and so he did. The Gentile, hearing that the ring´s cries came from the bottom of the river, jumped in and drowned in it. (Tartalo).


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